
Need to Check Your Car's MOT?

Your car’s MOT is a health check; you should always be ready to undertake. However, when you buy a used car for the first time, it might not always be clear what its MOT status is. How can you know whether or not you are buying a healthy, MOT-passing vehicle? It’s time to get an MOT check.

  • A full MOT check will help you understand the potential problems your car may face.
  • Our service will let you know whether or not an MOT is due.
  • We will also advise you on MOT histories and previous problems.
  • This way, you can gain extra confidence in buying a used car.

Want to make sure the car you are about to buy is safe to take to the road? A salesperson can only tell you so much. Don’t take their word for anything – look for a full check that gives you complete, concise data.

Met een kenteken kan je vrijwel alle voertuiggegevens van het RDW ophalen. Deze gegevens zijn online in te zien via onze gratis rdw kenteken check. Voer hieronder een kenteken in en klik op check!

Why Should You Run a Car MOT Check?

When buying a used car, you need to make sure you can safely drive it away. While most salespeople will offer you an honest insight into your car’s history, sometimes, it pays to have a little extra confidence.

Therefore, our MOT checking service, as part of a full licence plate check, will make sure you know everything your car has been through. Are there any notable trouble areas? Has your car failed an MOT previously? When is the next check due? These are all questions our reports can easily answer.

Why Carry Out an MOT?

MOTs aren’t just advisable for the health of your vehicle and for your safety. It is a legal requirement. On UK roads, you must make sure your car has a valid MOT every 12 months. That means that your vehicle will need to pass checks at a licenced service centre before you can drive it away.

If you fail an MOT, you will need to make changes to your vehicle to get it up to standard. This is from a safety point of view for both you and other road users. A car without a valid MOT could be at risk of causing serious harm, or even fatalities, out on the roads.


Do I Have to Check My Car’s MOT?

Many people buy used cars without knowing what their vehicles have been through. While an MOT checking service isn’t mandatory, it is undoubtedly useful. Buying a used car means that you are effectively buying its years of service and mileage on the roads.

Therefore, it is always a good idea to learn more about your car’s damage, theft, and MOT history. Full checks through our simple service will ensure that you have access to all the relevant data you need. We will ensure, for example, that you know when your car’s MOT is valid until.

Will a Used Car Always Have a Valid MOT?

Yes. Legally, a used car for sale must always have a valid MOT. However, this does not always mean that the car you buy has an MOT that is valid for a long period of time.

Some cars may stay on the market for months at a time. As you need to refresh your MOT once every year, you never know whether you’re buying a car with two months to go, or ten. It’s never an exact science, which is why it is all the more important to run a full check before you buy.


How Much Does a Car MOT Cost?

When running an MOT check on a used car, you should also be ready to budget for how much such checks are likely to cost. Ultimately, test stations and service centres are only allowed to charge up to £54.85, at present, to run a full MOT on a car. Fees will differ for motorcycles and larger cars built for purpose.

This cost may not seem like much, but if your used car fails any checks, you will need to pay to fix them before you can get on the road. Therefore, while a used car may seem like a great deal on the surface, it might actually cost you more than you bargain for.

An MOT checking report will help you budget and will even put you in a strong position to negotiate on price. If you are ever unsure whether or not a used car you wish to buy is the genuine article, it makes sense to take out a full report to back you up.


Gratis kenteken check ook juridisch belangrijk 

Het checken van de autohistorie is ook belangrijk in juridisch opzicht als je een auto koopt of verkoopt. Door de historie te checken kan er nagegaan worden of de auto een schade auto is. Zo is er wel eens een rechtszaak geweest over een koper die een auto had gekocht dat ‘total loss’ was verklaard. De verkoper had de koper hier niet over geïnformeerd, maar als de koper de historie van de auto had opgevraagd dan was hij bekend geweest met deze informatie. Het werd de koper door de Hoge Raad zwaar aangerekend dat hij geen auto check had gedaan, waardoor de koper geen recht had op schadevergoeding. Wel werd er een passende oplossing gevonden, omdat de verkoper in dit geval wel melding had moeten maken van de gebreken van de auto. Maar zo zie je maar weer wat een problemen het kan opleveren als je niet even simpel een kenteken check doet.

Let op: via onze website kan je, naast het uitvoeren van de gratis kenteken check RDW, ook het autoverleden van jouw occasion opvragen.

Gratis kenteken check & kilometerstanden

Een veel gemaakte denkfout die men vaak maakt, is dat men denkt dat je met de gratis kenteken check ook de kilometerstand van het voertuig op kunt vragen. Over deze informatie beschikt het RDW echter niet. Op onze site kan je, na het uitvoeren van de gratis RDW kentekencheck, deze informatie echter wel opvragen. Deze informatie wordt ook wel het autoverleden of autohistorie genoemd. Bij het opvragen van de autohistorie krijg je inzicht in het aantal vorige eigenaren, eventueel schadeverleden en de kilometerstand van het voertuig. Een must voor iedereen die een occasion op het oog heeft!  De kilometerstand kun je ook opvragen als de auto een Nationale Auto Pas (NAP) heeft. Bij het NAP kun je een rapport opvragen en deze geeft de logische of onlogische kilometerstand van de betreffende auto aan.

Gratis kenteken check voor waardevolle voertuiginformatie

MOT checking is available through the DVLA; however, our service offers you a comprehensive breakdown. Learn about every stage of a car’s MOT failure, for example, and plan ahead. If your car has a history of breaking down and failing MOTs, it might not be as good a deal as you imagine.

Krijg inzicht in belangrijke gegevens

Our MOT checks will help you plan for potential vehicle issues. Is your potential purchase likely to suffer with lights or interior electrics? What about door jams and seals? These are all problems which, if they add up, can become very annoying and expensive in the long run.

Doe online een gratis kenteken check

It’s crucial to run an MOT check if you are unsure if you trust the word of your salesperson. We always advise you to run a full check to make sure you know exactly what you’re dealing with. All dealers should be trustworthy and supportive – but listen to your gut, and run a full report.

Want to Check Your Car's MOT?

Make sure you check the MOT status of your car before you make any buying decisions. Click below for more details on how we can help!

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Further Benefits of an MOT Check

Your MOT is crucial to keeping your car road legal. Here are a few reasons to get a full check on your new car's MOT before you buy.

Het rapport dat je downloadt maakt allerlei zaken inzichtelijk:

Keep Yourself Safe
A full report will tell you what to expect from your car’s various parts and features.
Financially Prepare
Learn when your MOT is due, and whether or not you will need to make repairs.
Get Full Insight into Damage Reporting
Find out everything you need to know about prior damage your salesperson may not be aware of.
Firm up on Negotiation
Get confidence and clear answers on whether a car is right for you with full MOT histories.
Get the Complete Lowdown
Our full car and licence checks leave no data behind – get the complete picture.
Save Money on Potential Purchases
A used car that seems too good to be true might be just that – be careful to check its MOT history.
Learn More About Your Car’s Potential
Use MOT checking to find out whether or not a car is likely to run as long as you’d need it to.
Dit zijn de maten van banden zoals origineel geleverd: voor én achter.
De motorrijtuigenbelasting per provincie en indien mogelijk: zakelijke en particuliere tarieven.
Schadehistorie Check
Datum van de schademelding, kilometerstand, het schadebedrag en de positie van de desbetreffende schade.
Advertentie geschiedenis
Advertentiedatum, bronvermelding, foto’s van het voertuig en de vraagprijs.
Maten en gewichten
voertuiglengte, maar ook de breedte en hoogte. Verder ook informatie over de wielbasis, spoorbreedte, massa rijklaar, maximale laadvermogen, daklasting, aanhanger ongeremd, aanhanger geremd en laadruimte inhoud.
Registratiedatum, type eigenaar: bedrijf, lease of particulier en aantal dagen eigenaar.
Wielophanging voor/achter, achtervering voor/achter, stabilisator voor/achter remmen voor/achter en draaicirkel.
Tellerhistorie check
RDW controle km-stand, bij ons bekende KM-stand, datum, Nationale Autopas controle en NAP check.
Aankoop adviesprijs, inruilwaarde, handelswaarde en catalogusprijs.
Overige informatie
Uitvoering, BPM bedrag, handelsbenaming, variant, carrosserie, compressieverhouding, eurolabel, geluid rijdend/stationair, kleppenbediening en tankinhoud.

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